Make sure your IT operations can support safe reopening of offices post COVID-19 pandemic.
As government-imposed restrictions begin to loosen around COVID-19 closure requirements, organizations that need to move back to their physical operations need to quickly shift gears and safely support operational changes.
IT leaders are faced with the challenge of helping to push forward this shift in a timely manner while ensuring that assets, people, and workloads are supported with minimal security and business risk.
Important topics to consider:
Transition your team back to the office safely and in gradual steps:
- Evaluate the new risk tolerance.
- Prepare to repatriate people to the office.
- Prepare to repatriate assets to the office.
- Prepare to repatriate workloads to the office.
- Prioritize your tasks and build your roadmap.
Take an approach that considers all key factors within the organization as pillars of IT’s new normal.
Use this consultancy to know:
• How have changes driven by the COVID-19 pandemic response impacted the organization’s ability to take on risk?
• What does a safe and effective workspace look like for staff returning to the workplace and how can IT facilitate this?
• Inevitably, there will be gaps in your asset inventory, but how can you best prepare the working environment for your team?
• IT and the business need to face the fact that employees will have adopted new apps and new habits. The key is balancing best practices with minimal operational disruption.
If you are interested in this service, schedule a call with one of our consultants !